The Importance of Finding a Skilled Board-Certified Gastroenterologist
Our digestive system is one of the most complex organ systems in our body. It helps to digest our food and provide nutrition and energy for the body. The digestive system is not comprised of only the stomach, but a whole host of organs such as the esophagus, the stomach, the duodenum, the liver, the pancreas, the small intestine, the large intestine, and the gallbladder.
If the digestive system of our bodies break down, it can cause a whole host of other problems. While a large amount of people face a barrage of common gastroenterological problems such as excess acidity in the stomach, diarrhea, constipation and so on, most of them can be easily healed with the use of over-the-counter or prescription medication.
If these symptoms are allowed to persist for a long time, they can pose serious health risks such as ulcers in the stomach, enlarged livers, ruptured intestines and stones in the gall bladder – all of which can be life threatening conditions. To prevent such occurrences, you should always find a skilled medical professional who is a board-certified Gastroenterologist.
The Digestive System and Its Importance
The digestive system works to digest our food and convert it into usable energy. It starts right from the mouth to ingest food and ends at the large intestine to expel it. When we put food in our mouth and chew, it mixes with the saliva, which breaks down simple sugars in the food, as well as making it soft and moist so it can pass through the esophagus.
Once it reaches the stomach, the food is further subjected to enzymes secreted by the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas, which break down the food into simple chemicals. The chemical “soup” is pushed into the small intestine, where the energy and nutrients in the food is absorbed by additional enzymes, and the waste is stored in the large intestine or colon.
Once the large intestine is full, the waste will then be thrown out by your body’s natural processes. Since the digestive system helps to absorb nutrients and energy, it helps other organs in the body maintain their state of energy and continue their activity.
Why Do You Need a Skilled Gastroenterologist?
A gastroenterologist is someone who diagnoses problems in the digestive system, allowing for the proper functioning of the entire body. They can help pinpoint hard to diagnose conditions so that you can solve health issues before they become major problems.
Gastroenterological problems are one of the most complex problems to diagnose accurately, and requires someone who has the right skill and expertise to diagnose and fix those issues. A skilled gastroenterologist can save you from a whole host of bodily issues emanating from the stomach and other organs in the digestive system.
While common gastroenterological problems such as heartburn, indigestion, belching and flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids can easily be solved by over-the-counter medicines, if left untreated these problems can cause severe damage to the digestive system as well as other parts of the body.
For example, severe heartburn can mimic symptoms of heart attack and cause bleeding along the esophagus, while excessive constipation can cause ruptures along the walls of the large intestine. Excess diarrhea can cause a loss of bodily fluids and even blood while hemorrhoids if left untreated can require corrective surgery. Your gastroenterologist can provide you with a number of solutions to treat these symptoms easily.
Contact Our Office
Gastroenterological problems can be hard to identify and solve without the right help. If you’re interested in meeting with a skilled medical professional who is also a well-versed gastroenterologist, contact our office to schedule a consultation today!