How Do I Know If It’s Time for Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery achieves weight loss through several methods. These include restrictive surgery, wherein a portion of the stomach is removed, which can result in up to 55% of weight loss in five years in a procedure known as a sleeve gastrectomy. Another option is malabsorptive surgery, wherein the stomach and duodenum are bypassed to form a connection.
At Smart Dimensions™, we offer a number of weight-loss surgeries and techniques. If you’ve been struggling with obesity and are considering a weight-loss treatment like bariatric surgery, you may be wondering if it’s the right next step for you.
How Do I Know If It’s Time for Bariatric Surgery?
For individuals who need surgical assistance to lose weight, doctors might recommend bariatric surgery. In the simplest of cases, when a person’s BMI exceeds 40 or more reaching severe obesity, then health results are difficult to achieve with lifestyle intervention alone. They might be in need of medical intervention to allow successful weight loss that is permanent and long-lasting.
We might recommend bariatric surgery if sleep apnea is causing severe sleep issues, compounding existing health problems. A BMI of more than 40 coupled with Type II diabetes can also be a good reason.
These following conditions occurring alongside a high BMI facilitate high priority for bariatric surgery:
- High cholesterol
- Fatty liver disease
- Hypertension
- Sleep apnea
- Osteoarthritis
- Lipid abnormalities
- Respiratory disorders
- Repeated unsuccessful attempts at weight loss
- Any other obesity-induced physical issue
The Many Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is decades old and is proven to offer up to 77% weight loss for more stubborn weight problems. Good candidates typically face these problems after a fierce battle with yo-yo weight-regain issues or other probable hereditary or genetic issues.
Gastric bypass surgery is the most common type of bariatric surgery and often results in significant improvements to the patient’s BMI. These changes bring dramatic results to the patient’s cardiovascular profile. They can help remedy several of the health conditions that accompany excess weight and can put significant post-treatment changes into motion to ensure the treatment takes effect.
More than 97 million Americans are reported to be obese. The National Institute of Health symposium held in 2013 revealed that patients undergoing bariatric surgery have a 29% reduced mortality rate, lower risk of cardiovascular complications, and long-term general improvements in quality of life.
Studies have also reported numerous psychological benefits to sustained weight loss brought about after bariatric surgery. People who achieve a healthy BMI after being obese note dramatically improved mental health, reduced markers for depression, and an overall increased happiness and zest for life.
Find Out More with a Consultation
Bariatric surgery is an important procedure that should be conducted by a skilled surgeon for the best results.
Gastric bypass surgery is indeed the gold standard of bariatric surgery, but it isn’t necessarily for everyone. A consultation with Smart Dimensions™ will aid both the patient and doctor to understand the right type of surgery to be undertaken. To set up your informative and helpful consultation, contact our office today and arrange an appointment.