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Category Archives: Weight Loss

How are YOU Honoring Healthy Weight Week 2012?

It seems these days that there’s a national observance for just about everything. Some are critically important like breast cancer awareness and diabetes education. Yet others, like National Hamburger Month (yes, it’s apparently real and observed in May) don’t seem that important at all. I recently came across an article that said this week (January […]

5 Important Tips for Sticking with that New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of year again. Time for New Year’s resolution thoughts to begin swirling around in our minds. Before the clock strikes midnight on 1/1/2012, I thought I would issue a few tips and reminders for those with weight loss as their resolution for the coming year. 1. Set Realistic Goals! Big goals are […]

What Can Cookie Monster Teach Us about Obesity?

You’re probably thinking the answer’s easy: Don’t eat cookies! That’s a good start. But Cookie’s message can go much deeper, to an issue at the heart of the obesity epidemic in the United States. I happened upon an episode of Sesame Street the other day and caught the tail end of a segment involving Cookie […]

Obesity in America–The Gains and the Losses

As a physician, it’s my job to care for patients using the knowledge I have gained in my education and experience. Part of that experience is staying up-to-date on the latest news, studies and facts surrounding the complicated issue of obesity. In performing some recent internet research in this regard, I came across this 1959 […]

The Weight-Loss Journey: It’s a Family Affair

There are many factors at play in banishing obesity. Whether post-bariatric surgery or just beginning the process, there are few influencers more important to helping patients stick to their goals than close family members. These are the people you love and trust. They’re often the people who’ve seen you through “thick and thin,” literally. They’re […]

7 Emotional Health Tips for the Bariatric Surgery Patient

Emotional Health is the single most talked-about topic for the patients at our support group meetings. And it makes sense. So much of what leads us to make unhealthy life choices is rooted in what we FEEL about ourselves, about the world, about the way we grew up and about what other people think about […]

The Single Biggest Factor Determining YOUR Weight-Loss Surgery Success

Before I tell you what it is, let me tell you what it isn’t. It isn’t how much weight you lose after bariatric surgery. The single biggest factor in determining your weight-loss surgery success is your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. This mostly means diet and exercise but also includes getting enough rest and surrounding […]

How the Relationship Changes With Your Mind and Food

After you undergo bariatric surgery, there are a number of factors you have to take into account regarding your diet. You cant eat the same way that you did prior to surgery given the changes to your digestive tract, and in many cases you will need to watch out for certain foods and watch what […]

Gastric Banding vs. Gastric Bypass Procedures

The obesity epidemic in America has led many people to turn to weight loss surgery. While diet and exercise are effective, weight loss surgery gets results faster, which may be a critical point for people who are morbidly obese and dealing with many potential health problems related to their weight. These health problems include increased […]

Obesity and the Brain

The number of Americans suffering from the disease of morbid obesity is growing at an alarming rate. While bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity, there are some patients who are much more successful at losing weight and maintaining weight loss than others. Scientists do not believe that this is solely related […]

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