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Category Archives: Blog

What is Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is the name of a group of health problems that occur together. These problems can lead to big health concerns like heart attack, stoke or diabetes. Your doctor may diagnose you with Metabolic Syndrome if you have at least 3 of the following risk factors. Large waistline- 35+ for women and 40+ for […]

Promising News About Diabetes

Check out this article on MSN http://health.msn.com/health-topics/diabetes/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100264187>1=31010 From our experience we do see an improvement in glucose control, if not a resolution of diabetes. Promising results.

Hypertension and Obesity

Recent research shows that nearly two-thirds of people who suffer from obesity are at risk for developing hypertension. The exact cause is unknown, but what is known is that obesity affects hormonal levels in our bodies, and that the worst affected is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This system is responsible for controlling blood volume, the level […]

Obesity is a Disease

NIH defines obesity as a chronic, relapsing medical disease. There is a popular misconception that obesity is a weakness, that the patient should be able to control it. But let’s compare obesity to a couple of other chronic diseases like hypertension or diabetes. With diabetes or hypertension, a patient will improve with the proper medications, […]

Excuses to make poor food choices

To be a successful surgical weight loss patient, you have to make major changes in lifestyle and behavior. Not only do you have to make the changes, but you have to be committed to sticking to them People often start out very gung ho,only to fall prey to some of the following excuses: I am […]

One Year Lab Work

Follow up with the surgical practice is a very important aspect to help you reach your weight loss goals. It is also imperative if you have had a gastric bypass surgery that you come in for your one year follow up and labwork. At that appointment, the surgeon or PA will order a very comprehensive […]

What is the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight?

One of the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight is to skip meals, especially breakfast. In order to get your metabolism in gear, and convince your body that it is ok to let go of it’s stored energy(FAT) you have to EAT. You should have some high quality food within one hour […]

Tips for getting started on an exercise program

Often getting started on an exercise program is daunting to those who have been inactive for years. Here are a few tips that might make it easier. Remember there are all types of exercise and the old saying “no pain, no gain” is definitely out of date. Pick an activity that you enjoy Begin at […]

Obesity and your bottom line

Many employers are starting to feel the impact of obesity on their bottom line! Employees who are obese drive up the costs of health insurance because they are more likely to suffer from diabetes type II,cardiovascular disease and many other serious illnesses. By helping get your obese employees to a healthy weight, you can lower […]

Obesity in Adolescents

Did you know that one third of all children in the United States are overweight or obese? Diabetes,cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia and liver disease used to be considered adult diseases, but are now being seen in children in startling numbers. One of the best ways to help your child if they are experiencing weight problems is […]

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