Weight Loss News and Articles Orange County
What Is LINX GERD Treatment?

Expert doctors who deal with esophageal disease are now offering the LINX Reflux Management System treatment for people who are suffering from chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (also known as GERD). LINX was approved in 2012 by the FDA to treat GERD. In studies regarding LINX, 90% of patients reported significant improvement in their reflux symptoms […]
The Results of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

When people want to lose weight as soon as possible, the first thing they typically do is try to follow a specific diet. At the same time, they combine it with exercise to lose even more weight. However, after trying these techniques, many people start to realize that it isn’t so easy to lose weight. […]
How to Pick the Right Weight-Loss Support Group After Bariatric Surgery
Choosing to undergo bariatric surgery, or weight-loss surgery, is a huge step for anyone suffering from obesity. It can be an extremely difficult decision to make. The surgery is extremely important, and the steps that come after are even more important. The measures you take and the support you receive after undergoing weight-loss surgery will […]
6 Reasons Your Weight Loss Has Plateaued—And How To Fix Them
Losing weight can be tough, but you know what else is tough? Feeling like you’re doing everything right and still not seeing the number on the scale go down—especially if you’d been previously losing weight. That, my friends, is called a weight-loss plateau—and honestly, it’s not all in your head. Also, when you start losing […]
Keeping Off the Weight After Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is essentially a cosmetic procedure that is performed in order to help people lose weight. Different types of bariatric surgery can be opted for depending on the nature of your problem. Once your surgery is done, the effect is very visible and patients lose a lot of weight. The problem is keeping those […]
KNX-AM 1070 Interview: Stigma May Keep People From Getting Weight Loss Surgery
Most obese patients who qualify for weight loss surgery don’t seek it out, and that may be due at least partly to stigma, a U.S. survey suggests. Nearly half of randomly-chosen survey participants said they believe the procedure is usually done for cosmetic rather than health reasons, and about 40 percent thought people who choose […]
The Obalon Balloon Is a Non-Surgical Weight-Loss Solution

A lot of people find it very difficult to lose weight even if they follow a healthy diet or exercise regularly. Many of these individuals find that the Obalon Balloon system is an effective solution. The Obalon Balloon system is the first ingestible FDA-approved system for weight loss. It helps in facilitating weight loss by […]
Losing Weight Is Hard – Robotic Sleeve Surgery Makes It Easier

When you have tried everything ranging from regular exercise routines to keto diets to lose weight and nothing has worked, it’s time to consider robotic sleeve surgery. This procedure is effective in achieving significant weight loss, which in turn minimizes chronic health risks associated with obesity. According to estimates from the American Society for Metabolic […]
Reduce Your Appetite with the Help of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Obesity is one of the most rampant conditions in today’s world. Thanks to factors such as unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, and genetics, one in three people in the United States grow up to become obese. In recent years, more and more children are becoming obese. In 2015, it was reported that […]
ROSE Procedure for Post-Gastric-Bypass Weight Gain

Gastric bypass patients usually experience a significant reduction of weight following the procedure. Oftentimes, however, this period of weight loss is replaced by a steady increase in weight. At the heart of the problem is the stretching of the stomach and stoma, which results in loss of control over hunger and food consumption. The stretching […]