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Should You Buy Goal Clothing?

Throughout the course of my 20-plus years in clinical practice, I have come to realize that motivation is an interesting thing – because it’s a bit different for everyone. Today, I want to explore the topic of “goal shopping.” If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a trend that seems to have become more popular […]

5 Steps to a Healthier Holiday Gathering

It’s the holiday season! And I’m willing to bet your friendly weight-loss surgeon is just about the LAST person you want to hear from during this time of year. I know, I know. You’re “supposed” to be able to “cheat” in December, right? Throw caution to the wind and just pick up those healthy habits […]

Interested in Eating Organic? START with FRESH!

“I want to eat healthy, fresh or organic foods, but I can’t afford it.” On a scale of 1 to 10, how true do you believe that statement to be for you and your family? Though there is some validity to fresh or organic fare being more expensive, it’s not as expensive as you might […]

Thanksgiving – A Fitter Feast for You

Every year Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by planning a feast fit for kings. After all, we’ve had 150 years to perfect the turkey, pumpkin pie and a host of delicious side dishes for this momentous occasion. In fact, most of us spend the entire day eating foods that we may not otherwise eat all year long. […]

Obesity and Fertility: Not Solely a Woman’s Issue

In the last few months, several clinical studies have painted a frightening portrait of fertility for the obese man. Looking at the rise in overall Body Mass Index (BMI) in male patients throughout the United States, researchers have observed a strong connection between the increase in BMI and declining fertility rates. Often thought by the […]

The Use of Robots and Cutting Edge Technology in Bariatric Surgery

Orange County Bariatric Surgery, Robotics Weight loss surgery, clinically known as bariatric surgery, has been the key to substantial and long-lasting weight loss for many men and women suffering from obesity. Losing weight can be difficult, especially for those who are also suffering from obesity-related health conditions. One of the state-of-the-art technologies is performing bariatric […]

Tis’ The Season To Be…Chubby?

The holidays have officially arrived. With them comes busy weeks filled with food, stress, events…and more food. Anyone reading this who struggles with their weight knows that December is not usually the time you bother to do anything about it. Why? Because it’s typically the one month out of the year that we tell ourselves […]

Gastric Banding vs. Gastric Bypass Surgery

Our compassionate and knowledgeable staff understands the challenges our obese patients are faced with every day, and strive to make every weight loss journey a success story. Being confident and proud of your body can be quite difficult when you are obese. Chances are you have spent years of your life struggling with your weight, […]

Why Patient Success Stories Matter Most

I am a very involved physician when it comes to my website and other online efforts. There are several reasons for this but the most important are: a) I want to make sure everything we transmit to the public is accurate and b) I enjoy hearing from patients and those interested in bariatric surgery. In […]

7 Emotional Health Tips for the Bariatric Surgery Patient

Emotional Health is the single most talked-about topic for the patients at our support group meetings. And it makes sense. So much of what leads us to make unhealthy life choices is rooted in what we FEEL about ourselves, about the world, about the way we grew up and about what other people think about […]

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