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Archive for December, 2013

New Federal Updates on the Treatment of Obesity

When I reflect on how most of my patients find me, it has historically been through word of mouth, or if it was from the referral of a physician, it was often because the patient asked for that referral. In my line of work, that can be a troubling statistic. As physicians, it is our […]

5 Steps to a Healthier Holiday Gathering

It’s the holiday season! And I’m willing to bet your friendly weight-loss surgeon is just about the LAST person you want to hear from during this time of year. I know, I know. You’re “supposed” to be able to “cheat” in December, right? Throw caution to the wind and just pick up those healthy habits […]

Interested in Eating Organic? START with FRESH!

“I want to eat healthy, fresh or organic foods, but I can’t afford it.” On a scale of 1 to 10, how true do you believe that statement to be for you and your family? Though there is some validity to fresh or organic fare being more expensive, it’s not as expensive as you might […]

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