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Cosmetic Surgery

Conveniently located to serve Orange County and Newport Beach

Take a step closer to improving your physique—come to Smart Dimensions for cosmetic surgery in Orange County. Our highly trained surgeons are focused on helping you achieve your aesthetic goals with the help of procedures like the tummy tuck, liposuction, arm contouring, thigh contouring, and body contouring after weight loss.  

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, can enhance the results of your hard work after intense exercise and proper nutrition. It is performed to remove excess fat and sagging skin around the stomach. Drooping abdominal muscles can also be tightened, and certain stretch marks can be removed.


Gone are the days when fat could not be spot reduced. Liposuction can remove pockets of stubborn fat in a variety of areas. The procedure involves using a thin tube called a cannula to permanently suction fat out of the body. Areas for treatment include the chest, flanks, inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms, chin, neck, abdomen, back, knees, ankles, and buttocks.

  • Over 15,000 Procedures performed
  • Over 30 Years of Experience
  • The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program
  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

Arm Contouring

Our arms may develop sagging skin due to aging or significant weight loss. Arm contouring, also called an arm lift or brachioplasty surgery, can remove sagging skin and excess fat, restoring the shape of your upper arms. It is an ideal option for getting rid of “bat wings,” the sagging flab hanging from patients’ upper arms.

Thigh Contouring

Thigh contouring, also known as a thigh lift or thighplasty, is a type of cosmetic surgery performed to improve thigh shape. The skin of the thighs can sag and appear uneven after losing weight or due to aging. In a thigh lift, loose skin and excess fat are removed to restore firmer and younger-looking thighs.

Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the most fulfilling achievements a person can have. After losing significant weight, the skin may have trouble shrinking back down, instead hanging loosely from the body. To remove this excess skin, body contouring after weight loss involves a combination of procedures like a tummy tuck, liposuction, an arm lift, and a thigh lift. Undergoing these procedures in one appointment reduces the recovery time for patients.

Your Consultation

During a consultation at Smart Dimensions, you will be asked about your appearance goals. Photographs may be taken as a reference.

Your surgeon will go over your complete medical history, including past procedures, pre-existing conditions, and current medications and supplements. They will perform an examination, and you may need to take a few lab tests to help them prepare a safe and effective procedure for you.

Next, the two of you will work together to choose the right cosmetic surgery options for your aesthetic goals. Your surgeon will create a surgical plan and will go over the details of your chosen procedures. They will go over preparation, recovery, cost details, and more.

Cosmetic procedures are individualized to match and balance the patient’s overall appearance. The results will be different for everyone. Your surgeon will help you set realistic expectations during your consultation.

Contact Us to Learn More

To learn more about cosmetic surgery in Orange County, contact Smart Dimensions. Schedule a consultation today to get started.

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